A solo developer from Egypt has signed a publishing agreement with HappyTube.
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Alsa Games, a company based in Turkey, has entered into a cooperation with happytube
Alsa Games, an indie developer from Turkey, has started a collaboration with HappyTube.
Keshari Nath, India based solo developer, has entered into a cooperation with happytube
A solo developer from India has signed a publishing agreement with HappyTube.
nice games studio (india) has entered into a cooperation with happytube
HappyTube and an independent developer from India signed a distribution agreement.
peachu pacha games has entered into a cooperation with happytube
Implanted in Pakistan, Peachu Pacha Games extended its activities joining hands with HappyTube for mobile content distribution.
aptitude studios, a company based in india, has entered into a cooperation with happytube
Aptitude Studios, a team of creative developers, signed a publishing agreement with HappyTube.
Asterisk technology, a US based company, has entered into a cooperation with happytube
Developing games is an art and passion that Asterisk Tech reconciles well. Through partnering with HappyTube, more gamers will have a taste of it.
gameeon studios Private Ltd, based in india, has entered into a cooperation with happytube
GameEon, a creative game development and publishing company specializing in creating games for an exiting and meaningful experience, signed a publishing deal with HappyTube.
Fanclash11 Fantasy Private Ltd has entered into a cooperation with happytube
Fanclash11 Fantasy Private Ltd (India) concluded with HappyTube a distribution agreement.
naptech labs has entered into a cooperation with happytube
Headquartered in the United Kingdom, Naptech Lab, a game development company that strives to create innovative and future technologies, signed a publishing agreement with HappyTube.